Thursday, July 26, 2012

The DPC Making It's Way Through The Channels

The 2012 DPC Champ, Roland Tremble
(Brian Cadoret Photo)

The 2012 Ditch Pickle Classic was a huge success on many levels and it's great to see some of the post-event exposure the DPC is getting in the presses, on the interwebs and amongst the fly fishing community!
See for yourself...

The East Also Rises - Matt Crawford of Pale Morning Media gives his account of the DPC via the Simms "Wading Room" Blog

Jackson Kayak and the Ditch Pickle Classic - Damon Bungard and Brian Cadoret of team "Jackson Kayak" paddled their way into some great fish at the DPC.  If you think those with paddle-power are undergunned in this event, think again!

Local Fly Fisherman Takes First Prize in DPC - When the fish are down deep, just force them to come to the surface!  This article, featured in The Islander, highlights the success of local angler and fly shop proprietor, Roland Tremble

Ditch Pickle Classic Lures Anglers to Lake Champlain - Morgan Lyle of the Schenectady Times brings DPC awareness to NY State in the great write-up

Local Guides Fly Fish For Northern Pickles - This article, featured in the Addison Independent, chronicles the DPC experience of 2 fishing guides from Middlebury, Jesse Haller and Wesley Butler