Idylwilde that is....The journey began when I contacted Bass Bug Extraordinaire Kevin Price, coaxing him for a few of his badass ties for prizes. Kevin is a guide and signature tyer for Idylwilde Flies and lives in Northern Cali. He is known for his "Price's Pacifier" , "Snake Charmers", Mississippi Mudflap", "Warmwater Whammy", and "El Raton".
Zach and the crew at Idylwilde enthusiastically supported the DPC from the get go and loves the direction we have taken the tournament scene for the fly fishing enthusiast. We batted around some ideas and wanted to do something different and fun for all. After countless nights of evil masterminding, here is what evolved for this years DPC....................
Idylwilde's "Capture Your Awesomeness" Contest
The challenge is easy: Best photo wins. Done and Done......
- The photo must contain a Kevin Price Idylwilde fly
- Only 1 photo can be submitted per person
- The top 10 will be chosen by the DPC administrators
- Those top 10 will go to Idylwilde Flies which will get posted on their Web page, Facebook, and/or Blog for final voting by the world.
- The winner will be mailed a box of Kevin Price's originals and what ever else is decided, of which you won't be dissapointed.
A lot of you may also be wondering how are we going to control the measuring of fish for this tournament? Well, y'all with those graduated fish tapes that go from 0"-24" in only 6" might as well leave them at home, 'cause this ain't our first rodeo. Idylwilde has graciously provided EVERY individual with a 26" Idylwilde boat sticker that is the official DPC measuring reference to measure your catches. All applicable catches MUST be photographed using this tape or else the fish is D.Q.'d. This isn't your everyday Wally-World variety boat sticker, you will be more than happy blazing this banner on your boat and have all your friends in envy at your awesomeness. Just see for yourself.
We all want to thank Kevin, Zach, and the Idylwilde crew for their extremely generous support for the DPC. Its a true honor to have a company like Idylwilde to be such a great contributor. From all of the DPC crew and contestants, Thank You!